🗃️ Company Locations
3 items
🗃️ Pay Calendars
3 items
🗃️ Team
1 item
📄️ Change Password
You can change your password at any time.
📄️ Company Details
Company details are the information about your company that you can update in your Workmax account. You can update your company details such as company logo, industry, company type, phone number, other phone number, and address.
📄️ HMRC Details
HMRC details are required to submit the payroll information to HMRC. To add HMRC details, follow these steps:
📄️ Real Time Information (RTI) Details
RTI details are required to submit the payroll information to HMRC. To add RTI details, follow these steps:
📄️ Add a Company Signatory
Company signatory details are the information about the person who is authorised to sign the documents on behalf of the company. You can update your company signatory details such as first name, last name, email, phone number, title, national insurance number, date of birth, and address.
📄️ Change Company Signatory
Company signatory details are the information about the person who is authorised to sign the documents on behalf of the company. You can update your company signatory details such as first name, last name, email, phone number, title, national insurance number, date of birth, and address.
📄️ Payroll Settings
Payroll settings allow you to set up your payroll details and manage your payroll settings.
📄️ Payment Settings
Payment settings allow you to set up the payment details and manage your payment settings.
📄️ Cancel Your Account
Cancel your account at any time.
📄️ Timesheet Settings
Timesheet settings allow you to set up the timesheet details and manage your timesheet settings.