Add a Mileage Expense
Mileage expenses are costs that your employees incur while traveling for work. These expenses can include the cost of fuel, maintenance, and other expenses related to using a vehicle for work purposes. Workmax allows you to track and manage these mileage expenses, making it easy to reimburse your employees and keep track of your expenses.
Add an Expense
Employee Profile
To add an expense in Workmax, follow these steps:
- Sign in to your "Workmax" account with an employee account.
- Go to the "Expenses & Benefits" section.
- Click on the "Add Expense" button.
- Select the employee who incurred the expense.
- Enter the expense details.
- Category - "Mileage"
- Start Location
- End Location
- Date
- Amount
- Description
- Attachments (Optional)
- Click on the "Save" button.
Admin Profile
To add an expense in Workmax, follow these steps:
- Sign in to your "Workmax" account with an admin account.
- Go to the "Expenses & Benefits" section.
- Click on the "Add Expense" button.
- Select the employee who incurred the expense.
- Enter the expense details.
- Category - "Mileage"
- Start Location
- End Location
- Date
- Amount
- Description
- Attachments (Optional)
- Click on the "Save" button.
Workmax will now add the expense to your account. The expense will be associated with the employee who incurred it and will be available for reimbursement. If you have any questions or need help, please contact Workmax Support.