Update Company Year-to-Date Figures
To change your company year-to-date figures, follow these steps:
- Sign in to your "Workmax" account.
- Click on your "My Account" icon in the top left corner of the page.
- Navigate to "Year-to-Date figures" section.
- Select the tax year you want to update.
- Click on the "Edit" link.
- Enter your year-to-date figures.
- Initial Advance Payment - The amount of advance payment you received from HMRC to cover SSP, SMP, SPP, and SAP.
- Remaining Advance Payment - The remaining amount of advance payment you received from HMRC.
- Apprenticeship Levy Allowance - The amount of apprenticeship levy allowance you have.
- Apprenticeship Levy Paid - The amount of apprenticeship levy you have paid.
- Initial Employment Allowance - The amount of employment allowance you can claim.
- Remaining Employment Allowance - The remaining amount of employment allowance you can claim.
- Click "Save" button.
Workmax will now update your company year-to-date figures. You can now view your updated year-to-date figures in the "Year-to-Date figures" section. If you have any questions or need help, please contact Workmax Support.