📄️ Add a contribution
If you have a custom contribution that you want to add to Workmax, which is not available in the system by default, you can add it as a custom contribution. Custom contributions can be used to deduct amounts from your employees' payslips in addition to the standard contributions that are available in Workmax.
📄️ Edit a contribution
To make existing contributions more accurate or to update the details of a contribution, you can edit the contribution in Workmax. This allows you to change the name, code, reference, and other details of the contribution.
📄️ Delete a contribution
To remove a contribution from Workmax, you can delete the contribution from the system. This will remove the contribution from the list of available contributions and prevent it from being applied to future payslips.
📄️ Clone a contribution
Cloning a contribution allows you to create a new contribution based on an existing contribution. This can be useful if you have a similar contribution that you want to create with minor changes. Cloning a contribution will copy all the details of the existing contribution, and you can then edit the new contribution to make any necessary changes.