Terminating Team Members
When a team member leaves the company, you need to terminate their employment in the system. This process ensures that the team member no longer has access to the company's data and that their payroll is processed correctly.
- Sign in to your "Workmax" account with an admin account.
- Go to the "People" section.
- Select the team member you want to terminate.
- Click on the "Actions" button.
- Click on the "Terminate" button.
- Enter the termination details:
- Last Working Day
- Yes/No to "Has the employee been paid their final salary?"
- Yes/No to "Pay employee for unused paid time off?"
- Unused Paid Time Off Hours
- Unused Paid Time Off Amount
- Yes/No to "Did they employee choose to leave voluntarily?"
- Reason for Leaving
- Yes/No to "Do you have to revoke their access to the system?"
- Yes/No to "Do you have to change their login email address?"
- Email Address (if you have to change it)
- Termination Notes
- Click on the "Save & continue" button.
- Review the termination details and click on the "Terminate" button.
Workmax will now terminate the team member's employment. Workmax will process the final payroll, issue the P45. If you have chosen to revoke the team member's access to the system, they will no longer be able to log in. If you have chosen to change the team member's login email address, they will receive an email with a link to set up their account with the new email address. Employees with access to the Workmax platform will be able to access the platform with their permissions and view their payslips and P45s indefinitely.
Employees who have been terminated will be moved to the "Terminated" section in the "People" section. You can view the details of the terminated employees and download their P45 from this section.
If you have any questions or need help, please contact Workmax Support.